About the series: Queering the Christian Table

In April 2013, I suspended my regular blogging format (described on the How This Blog Works page) in order to begin the series I’ve entitled “Queering the Christian Table” (which you can read from the beginning by clicking here. You might also be interested in my related earlier post entitled: Turning the Closet Door into a Table: Safety and Discomfort for All).

This series is an evolving body of work I am creating where I am exploring what it looks like for LGBTIQ* Christians to participate fully in the Church’s conversations about sexual desire, spiritual formation, Christian identity, how to read the Bible in and for community, and how to be a faithful wit(h)ness to the unfolding of God’s presence in our particular human lives within the community of the world.

I’ve been humbled and inspired by those who have read, commented, taken me out for conversations over coffee and beers, offered their gratitude and their push-back, and who have graciously shared my words with others. Thank you all. Most of all I desire conversations with you, I want to hear what is stirring for you around these topics and I’m grateful for your comments and even more for your use of this series to start in-person conversations within your local community.

I don’t yet know what the future is for this material, but I’m grateful for this place of entry into this conversation.



*Throughout the series I use this combination of letters (which stands for: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer, and Questioning) to reference a wide range of people who each have their own experiences of what these and other words mean about them and their sexual orientation and sexuality. There are other words for groups of people that could be added to this, and also, none of these words are meant to contain or explain any people who use these words for themselves. These words and this acronym are shorthand for the sake of conversation. In addition, I use the term Queer as a verb throughout this series. As a cis-gendered male who identifies as gay and also uses the word queer for myself, I don’t mean to gloss over the experiences of other folks who identify as Queer or Genderqueer. Instead, I am suggesting that the concept of Queerness is a radically Christian concept that honors the particularity of persons. When I say, “Queering the Christian table,” what I mean is allowing space for all persons to come to the table. In forming this definition, I have drawn from the work of postcolonial, feminist, black, womanist, and LGBTIQ theologians, cultural theorists, writers, and friends. I’m grateful for any critical conversation you might offer about my use of these terms.

1 thought on “About the series: Queering the Christian Table

  1. sometimes i feel so lost as a therapist working with LGBTIQ people. i find myself just being with and listening/learning from them. somehow this seems like i’m failing them in the help they are seeking… i.e. my learning from them. currently – working w/ trans who is 48, and is spectacular and broken, lovely and worn, solid in herself, and confused in her addiction that has gone on for a long time…and most likely will not end. i get to know her in a short 30 day time frame…and then she will be gone. helping her logistically now – with options for living (off the street) – the basics. one of the things is see over and over with the several LGBTIQ folks i have had privilege to work with so far…is they all have a deep inherent faith in G-d. it is real…i feel it in them. and i hear no judgment from them of the church. others…who are friends….i don’t work with as a therapist – just our neighbors. they are more hurt from religion – and so choose to claim atheism. and i see one of these close friends…always seeking me out at parties we have here in our hood — wanting to talk about ‘atheism’ with me — as he seeks more. i share your writings with him. he is intrigued. wanted you to know. reading your blogs help me and help others. glad you are loving, playing, sailing. (one of my favorite things) thank you. (cheryl b.)

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